
Habanero Lemon Hot Pepper

Organic non GMO seeds for hot peppers

3,30 11,00 

Among the most popular chillies, Habanero Lemon is characterised by a high, pungent spiciness and a pleasantly citrus flavour. It is the ideal variety if you want to impress your guests with South American-style recipes based on chillies grown in your own garden.


Organic Habanero Lemon Pepper

The organic Habanero Lemon chilli is a variety of Capsicum chinense native to the Caribbean. It has the classic sweet and fruity flavour of the Habanero, but is characterised by its bright lemon-yellow colour and a slightly lower spiciness of around 200,000 SHU. It still remains a super hot cultivar, ideal especially for the more trained palate.

How can I grow it?

Like other hot peppers plants, the Habanero Lemon is also afraid of the cold. For this reason, we recommend that you start sowing between March and May, when temperatures are above 15°; otherwise, with a heated seedbed or grow-box you can bring this phase forward to the winter months. After leaving the seeds to soak for about 24 hours, place them in a container on absorbent paper, close and puncture the lid to create good – but not excessive – humidity. The first shoots may take from a few days to more than two weeks to sprout.
Once they have sprouted, transplant them into the soil and water them little and often to ensure constant watering without creating stagnation. Expose the plant to sunlight and make sure that the room temperature always remains around 20°/25°.
The organic Habanero Lemon pepper requires a little more patience. To harvest them, wait about 4 months; when the fruits come off the plant easily, they will be ready to colour and flavour your dishes.

How can I eat it?

Due to its bright yellow hue and slightly citrus aroma, we recommend using the organic Habanero Lemon hot pepper in small doses to colour, fragrance and flavour your meat and fish dishes. It is also excellent for sauces and seasonings, such as hot oil.

We recommend wearing gloves when handling the chillies to avoid skin irritation.

Store the seeds in a cool, ventilated place with a temperature between 8° and 20° C, protected from weather, changes in humidity and sunlight.